Here is a collection of before and after pictures, to help you visualize what is possible!

We designed this yard to be fun to walk through.

A bright new brick entry walk.

Stone pathways and flowering shrubs and grasses, makes this yard a great place to be.

Flagstone walkway.

A refreshed front yard.

Pavers are used here to accent the driveway.

This stone fountain water feature provides a destination and offers big sound and a place for birds and fish to enhance the surroundings.

A family patio with embedded chessboard

A patio added to upgrade the entrance

A fish pond with fanciful plantings.

Creating a hillside path with steps for safety and an aesthetic compliment to the surrounding area

A flagstone walkway guides you into the backyard.

We opened up the entryway by removing most of the mound and existing concrete walkway. The bricks laid in herring bone pattern with curves enhances the appeal.

Pavers provide a safe and clean walkway to the Main Entry of the house.

A new lawn for the family. We installed irrigation and gopher wire to keep the lawn green and free of gopher holes for years to come.

A new lawn leading to the pool. The natural stone stepping stones allow for bare foot walking to and from the pool to the house.

An elevated planter using Allen Block creates fine lines and creates a flower bed with water feature on top of the wall.

This hillside next to the main entrance created drainage problems and an unappealing area. With retaining walls we created an attractive patio.

An improved path

A new Patio.

A rock retaining wall.

A rebuilt rock wall.

A new patio.

A refreshed path with new steps.

A new walkway

A new wall.

A new lawn.

A refreshed entrance.

A new open fence-line.

A new entrance.

Sometimes it only takes a little to make am area look good. The Solanum Jasminoides vine planted against the fence will cover it in just a year or two.